About Judy Dawson

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So far Judy Dawson has created 43 blog entries.

Upsize Your Faith

Pastor Wayne Peat encourages us to focus on spiritual matters to have a breakthrough in all other areas of our lives. CLICK BELOW TO WATCH SUNDAY'S MESSAGE LISTEN VIA AUDIO HERE [...]

I am Not The Same

Pastor Judy Dawson talks about the progressive spiritual growth that happens in every believer, and that we should be willing to have the desire to be transformed into the image of Christ. CLICK BELOW TO [...]

The Landing Zone

Ps Peter Morton talks about creating space that God can land - not just in our personal lives, but also what it means for us as Church fellowship. CLICK BELOW TO WATCH SUNDAY'S MESSAGE [...]

Don’t Stay Small

Pastor Judy Dawson brings a challenging message on persistence, and how not to let limitations and unknowns stop us from growing on the inside to step up to greater things that God has prepared for [...]

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